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Greatest Books

Not just books that you can read but books that read you...
What do you need? Gothic stories, existentialist novels, dystopian stories, terrifying tales, short stories, murder stories... Everything's here! All these books deeply shocked me, moved me, killed me, and quite a lot of them even changed my life. Maybe one of them will change your life too! Let's read!

My favorite book:

Dostoevsky - Notes from the underground 1864




Fyodor DOSTOEVSKY - Notes from the Underground (1864) - Crime and Punishment (1866) - The Idiot (1868) - The Devils (1872) - The Brothers Karamazov (1880) - The Double - The Gambler (1866) - The House of the Dead (1862)

Nikolai GOGOL - Dead Souls (1842)

Leo TOLSTOY - Resurrection

Maxim GORKY - The Mother (1907) - Childhood (1913)

Ivan GONCHAROV - Oblomov (1859)

AGUEEV - Novel with Cocaine

ZAMYATIN - We (1922)



Jerzy KOSINSKI - Being There

Ernest HEMINGWAY - The Sun also Rises (1926)

John STEINBECK - Of Mice and Men (1937)

Jack KEROUAC - On the Road (1957)

Charles BUKOWSKI - Factotum - Women

John FANTE - Ask the Dust (1939) - My Dog Stupid - The Road to Los Angeles - The Orgy

Richard BRAUTIGAN - So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away (1982) - Sombrero Fall Out (1976) - Hawkline Monster - Dreaming of Babylon - Trout Fishing in America (1967) - A Confederate General from Big Sur (1964) - The Abortion (1971)

Henry MILLER - The Rosy Crucifixion: Sexus (1949) - Plexus (1952) - Nexus (1960) - Tropic of Cancer (1934) - Tropic of Capricorn (1939) - Henry MILLER - Quiet Days in Clichy

Carson McCULLERS - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1940) - Reflections in a Golden Eye (1941) - Frankie Addams (1946)

Henry JAMES - The Turn of the Screw (1898)

Vladimir NABOKOV - Lolita (1958) - The Eye (Le guetteur) (1930) I translated it into French

PHILIP K. DICK - Radio Free Albemuth

Brett EASTON ELLIS - American Psycho - Less than Zero

J. D. SALINGER - The Catcher in the Rye (1951)

William BURROUGHS - Junkie (1953) - The Naked Lunch (1964)

Paul AUSTER - New York Trilogy

Hubert SELBY - Last Exit to Brooklyn

James ELLROY - Black Dahlia (1987) - Silent Terror

Louise ELDRICH - Love Medicine

Jim THOMPSON - The Hell of a Woman

Ed MCBAIN - Ten plus One


The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) | Oscar Wilde

Malcolm LOWRY- Under the Volcano (1947)

George ORWELL - 1984 (1949) - Animal Farm (1945)

Iris MURDOCH - The Black Prince

M.G. LEWIS - The Monk (1796)

Mary SHELLEY - Frankenstein (1818)

Robert Louis STEVENSON - The Strange Case of Dr.ÊJekill and Mr.ÊHyde (1886)

Lewis CARROLL - Alice in Wonderland (1865)

Anthony BURGESS - Clockwork Orange (1962)




* Correction (1979)
* Concrete (1984)
* Cutting Timber: An Irritation (1985)
* Wittgenstein's Nephew (1988)
* The Cheap-Eaters (1990)
* The Loser (1991)
* Yes (1991)
* Extinction (1995)

Franz KAFKA - The Trial (1925) - The Castle (1926) - America

Herman HESSE - Demian (1919) - The Steppenwolf (1927) - Siddhartha (1922) - Knulp

Patrick SÜSKIND - The Perfume (1985)

Fritz ZORN - Mars (1977)



Albert CAMUS - The Stranger (1942) - The Fall (1956)

Samuel BECKETT - Molloy (1951) - Malone dies (1951) - Premier amour (First Love)

Louis CALAFERTE - Septentrion (1963) - La Mécanique des Femmes (1992)

SAINT-EXUPERY - Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) (1943)

Denis DIDEROT - Rameau's Nephew (1805)

Guy de MAUPASSANT - Pierre et Jean (1888)

Michel HOUELLEBECQ - Extension du domaine de la lutte (Whatever) (1994) - Les Particules Elementaires (1998) - Plateforme

Lydie SALVAYRE - The Power of Flies

Georges PEREC - The Man Who Sleeps

Louis-Ferdinand CELINE - Journey to the End of the Night (1932)

Joris-KarlÊHUYSMANS - A rebours (1884)

Benjamin CONSTANT - Adolphe (1816)

Charles JULIET - Lambeaux



Yukio MISHIMA - The Sound of Waves (1953) - The Golden Pavillon

Yasunari KAWABATA - Snow Country (1948)

Natsume SOSEKI - I am a Cat (1905)



Guillermo ROSALES - Boarding Home

Miguel de CERVANTES - Don Quixote (1605)



Knut HAMSUN - Hunger (1890) - Mysteries (1892)

Soren KIERKEGAARD - The Seducer's Diary (1845)

Pär LAGERKVIST - The Dwarf (1944)


"Life is but a walking Shadow, a poor Player That struts and frets his Hour upon the Stage, And then is heard no more;
It is a tall Tale, Told by an Idiot, full of Sound and Fury, Signifying nothing." MacBeth - William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

Fyodor DOSTOEVSKY - The Dream of a Ridiculous Man - White Nights (1847-1848)

Anton CHEKHOV - The Lady with the Dog - Room N°6s

Nikolai GOGOL - The Overcoat (1841) - The Nose (1835) - Diary of a Madman (1835)

Leo TOLSTOY - The Death of Ivan Ilitch (1886) - Kreutzer Sonata (1889) - Master and Servant (1895) - The Forged Coupon

Leonid ANDREEV - The Thought

Herman MELVILLE - Bartleby (1853)

Henry JAMES - The Beast in the Jungle

Denis JOHNSON - Jesus' Son (story collection)

Haruki MURAKAMI - Stories after the quake (story collection)

Yukio MISHIMA - Death in Midsummer

Franz KAFKA - The Metamorphosis - In the Penal Colony - The Verdict - The Burrow

Guy de MAUPASSANT - Le Horla

Jean-Paul SARTRE - The Wall - Erostrate (Erostratus)

VOLTAIRE - Candide (1761) - Micromégas (1752)

Gustave FLAUBERT - Un coeur simple (in French)

Edgar Allan POE - Eleonora (I translated it in French) - Ligeia - The Gold Bug - The Black Cat - The Purloined Letter


Charles BUKOWSKI - Tales of Ordinary Madness (story collection) - The Most Beautiful Woman in Town

John CHEEVER - The Swimmer

All short stories by Raymond CARVER

Richard BRAUTIGAN - Revenge of the Lawn (story collection) (1971) - The Tokyo-Montana Express (story collection) (1981)

LOVECRAFT - The Night Ocean

Julio CORTAZAR - Axolotl

Sherwood ANDERSON - Winesburg, Ohio - Nobody Knows (I translated it in French)

Katherine MANSFIELD - Feuille d'Album (I translated it in French)

Sherman ALEXIE - The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (I translated it in French)

Akira YOSHIMURA - La jeune fille suppliciée sur une étagère - Le sourire des pierres

Jorge Luis BORGES - Fictions (1944)

Hans Christian ANDERSEN - Tales

The Grimm Brothers - Household Tales

Oscar WILDE - Lord Arthur Savile's Crime (1887)

E.T.A HOFFMANN - The Sandman (1817)

Emile ZOLA- The Death of Olivier Becaille (1884)

Stefan ZWEIG - Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman (1929)

Victor HUGO - Last Day Of A Condemned Man

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Friedrich NIETZSCHE - Ecce Homo - Thus Spake Zarathustra (The Ugliest Man) - Beyond Good & Evil (1887) - Birth of Tragedy (1872)

HERACLITUS - Fragments

Albert CAMUS - The Myth of Sisyphus (1942)

Blaise PASCAL - Thoughts (1670)


Aldous HUXLEY - The Doors of Perception (1956)



Robert BURTON (1577-1640) - Anatomy of Melancholy 1621

Antonin ARTAUD - Van Gogh, le suicidé de la société (1947)

Henry MILLER - The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder (1948)

Robert Louis STEVENSON - Apology of Idlers


Any healthy man can go without food for two days - but not without poetry. Charles Baudelaire

William BLAKE - Proverbs of Hell - Songs of Innocence (1789) - Songs of Experience (1794) - Mariage of Heaven and Hell (1790-1793)

Edgar Allan POE - Annabel Lee - Alone

Antonin ARTAUD - Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu (1947)

Arthur RIMBAUD - Season in Hell (1873)

Charles BAUDELAIRE - Flowers of Evil (1857)

LAUTREAMONT - Songs of Maldoror (1869)

Guillaume APOLLINAIRE - Alcools (1913)

Rainer Maria RILKE - Book of Poverty and Death

Fernando PESSOA - The Book of Disquiet

Georg TRAKL (German expressionnist poet)

Gotttfried BENN (German expressionnist poet) - Morgue (1912)

Federico GARCIA LORCA - Poema del cante jondo (1923-1927) - Romancero gitano (1928)

Charles JULIET



Samuel BECKETT - Waiting for Godot (1953) - End of Game (1957) - Krapp's Last Tape (1959)

William SHAKESPEARE - Hamlet (1603) - Othello (1622) - Macbeth (1606)

SOPHOCLES - Antigone 442 B.C. - Oedipus the King 430 B.C.

GOETHE - Faust (1773)

Albert CAMUS - Caligula (1941)

Jean-Paul SARTRE - No Exit (1944)

Jules ROMAINS - Knock (1923)

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